Girls Leading Girls & SF Sol FC Soccer Program

By Natasha Scott, 8th grader at Zion Lutheran, on the SF Sol Warriors 03 Gold Travel team

Shout outs are something that Sol does as a team at the end of each practice and game. It is when all the players have a chance to compliment their team mates about their hard work. I think that shout outs are a great way to notice everyone's hard work and effort. Because games and practices can leave the team disappointed and frustrated at times, it can be hard to channel that in a positive way. Shout outs are a way to do that though and be encouraging to your team mates. When you notice and comment on your team mate's effort and hard work they are giving to the team, it can mean a lot. When I joined Sol 2 seasons ago I thought one of the coolest things were shout outs and the type of environment it makes. Everyone is so kind, fun, and positive toward one another. The soccer team I came from before Sol was a great team but honestly not very kind toward each other. So I thought this was so amazing and a super smart idea. For this reason I told my basketball coach at my school what shout outs were and suggested that the basketball team do it at the end of each practice and game too. She loved the idea and now we do it at basketball all the time. I truly do think that it has brought the team together more and made everyone a little more kind. With shout outs no one leaves the field (or court) mad at each other. Instead we remember how hard we all worked and that any mistakes made will help us in the future. Shout outs have changed the way I play soccer, and I think I could easily say it has changed many of my team mates.


Join us on June 17th, 2017 for a Girls Soccer & Leadership Jamboree!


5K Family Fun Run May 14, 2017