2019 means a year of Mentorship for us at Girls Leading Girls

Happy New Year!

Our word for 2019 is "Mentorship"

As we begin the year we set new goals, intentions, and hopes for our community, the girls, and our women coaches starting with mentoring.

Starting in January, the national mentor month! “Girls that have a mentor are 130% more likely to hold leadership positions.” - Golivegirl

Our Goals for 2019 as an organization include:

  • A new mentorship program initiated with the help and collaboration of Golivegirl and Sports Bridge to provide mentorship for girls in middle school and high school

  • Increased number of high school junior coaches to serve our younger girls as mentors, welcome to our newest Junior Coach- Grace Nesmith (Freshman at Urban High School and Soccer player for SF Elite Club)

  • University women’s teams relationship building and team mentoring by nurturing our new relationships with Stanford and UC Berkeley as a club we plan to watch these two teams play as much as possible this year and soak up all their stories and knowledge

  • Professional development for our executive staff and coaches that includes mentorship from high level women coaches/executives like Tracy Hamm (SF State University Women’s Head Coach) and Ann Kletz (Goal 5 CEO)

  • More content to share with our community members about our girls, coaches, programs, and impact

  • A new fundraising ambassador program for girls, parents, friends near and far to utilize crowdfunding as a way to raise funding and awareness about our free after school program

  • Continued international reach- we miss our sisters in Costa Rica and want to continue to provide an impact and opportunity for the girls in Puntarenas by funding a summer girls soccer program for the girls in the Puntarenas Orphanage

These are our goals for 2019 while maintaining our regular initiatives and programs throughout the year.

If you’re interested in giving a hand in any of these goals for 2019 please email:



National Girls and Women in Sports Day 2019!


France World Cup with Girls Leading Girls- Sol Details