GLG Winter 2022 Offerings
We are excited to offer Winter 2022 Soccer Programming!
SF Indoor Futsal (Soccer)
Dates: January 3rd until February 27th, 2022
Practice: One 1-hour practice and one optional running/agility club practice per week (both outdoors) with schedule and locations TBD.
Games: Games will be held each Sunday with no breaks, at 8-10 different rec centers throughout the city.
Roster Size: Each team has a 7 player minimum requirement and a 12 player maximum. First come, first served based on deposit payment. We may also group teams of the same grade if the minimum is not met.
SF Winter Soccer Clinic
Dates: January 3rd until February 25th, 2022
Practice: One practice and one running/agility club practice (both outdoors) per week, with no weekend games, grouped by similar ages/levels. Clinics require a minimum of 8 per group.
Oakland Indoor Futsal (Soccer) and Clinic
Details TBD
PRE-REGISTER HERE to get more info.
If you are in need of financial assistance, please fill out this form. We don't want any girl missing out on the ability to play due to economic hardship. We follow SF Parks and Rec scholarship guidelines. Read them here for eligibility.